I've played around with the format, and have finally settled on one that seems to be working pretty well for us, for now. There are some key differences between the toddler and preschool storytimes:
- Shorter
- More songs, fewer stories
- More movement
- Use shaker eggs, movement scarves, bells, or other "instrument" every time
- More repetition - use all the same songs & rhymes for 4-6 weeks (I do occasionally add a new one that ties into the book), in addition to the welcome and ending songs being the same all of the time
- Usually only 1 book
- Very short, simple books, preferably with bold illustrations, interactive, and a really good rhythm
- Always end with bubbles (before good-bye song and activities)
- Activities afterward, some overlap with preschool storytime as I always have at least 1 or two older kids, but I always put out the foam blocks, sensory tubes, sensory balls, and stacking cups for the younger ones.
- Open room and announce it's time for storytime (I found if I let them in early, they would get too restless and start running around and getting into stuff, better to let them stay in the play area and let entering the room signal it's time to settle down.).
- Greet families as they enter and hand them program sheet.
- Shut door after everyone is in to prevent escapees.
- Greet and welcome the group, briefly go over expectations.
- Sing short "Hello" song, then introduce myself and say hello to all the kids by name (I generally average 5-10, rarely more than 12. I would not try that with a large group.)
- Warm-Up Song - Something with a little movement.
- Shaker Eggs/Scarves - With 2 songs or rhymes. I alternate; eggs one month, scarves the next usually. If doing scarves, I have them pick one up as they enter, if doing eggs I pass those out when we're ready to use them. I take things up afterward, before moving on, but I also tell parents it's not worth causing a meltdown if their child really doesn't want to part with them.
- Lead-in song - I use "If You're Ready for a Story"
- Read book - very short and simple!
- Song/rhyme
- On a very rare occasion, might attempt a second, very short book here
- Bubbles! Sing "Ten Little Bubbles" count up, then blow bubbles to pop, then sing again counting down. Bubbles are not only fun, but encourage tracking and reaching across midline. (Letting kids blow bubbles also works their oral musculature for speech, but that's best left as a home activity. I use a bubble machine or gun; no blowing in a group to reduce germ spread.)
- Good-bye song - first explain that there are optional activities after, but we're going to go ahead and sing our "Good-bye" song in case we don't get a chance to say good-bye to all of our friends later.
- Activities - usually 2 or 3 plus other toys, if larger group add more. I try to keep them developmentally appropriate, play-centered, and working on some developmental skill. Sometimes do a craft, but not often for this age as it isn't developmentally appropriate. Some examples:
- Sensory bin, they LOVE this! I use a base such as water, sand, kinetic sand, shredded paper, rice, or water beads with manipulatives added (plastic animals, gold coins & jewels, figures, boats, ducks, measuring cups & spoons, fishing set, etc.)
- Sensory tubes & balls (always put these out)
- Paper & crayons
- Play dough - great pre-writing activity! Rolling and smooshing dough strengthens little hands and fingers.
- Dot painting - they loved these at first, but have gotten a little bored with it, so use infrequently
- Play food
- Counting & Sorting manipulatives
- Building sets (foam blocks, star builders, bristle blocks, etc)
- Toy cars & construction vehicles with activity mats
- Flannel sets on large flannel board
- Magnetic gears
- Magnetic letters
- Plastic animals
- Puppets & Finger puppets
The activities portion lasts anywhere from 15-30 minutes, depending on how many kids show up, their ages, and the activities. Occasionally I'll have a couple of families linger, but at 20-30 minutes I'll go ahead and put away anything they aren't using and go on out to the children's department, leaving the door open so I can keep an eye on things to be sure the room doesn't get wrecked and things don't "walk away" (sad, but true). Most families hang around in the children's department playing, socializing, and picking out books for a little while after storytime.
What does your Toddler Storytime look like?