It is official; I will soon be embarking on a whole new storytime adventure!!
After working a little over 2 years as a library page, and interviewing several times for a higher position, I got the official word last week that I *finally* got one! Such a relief, I was really getting sick of interviewing! So starting July 13th, I will be working as a Library Assistant in the Outreach Department where I will be going out to various area daycares and preschools with our storytime bus (a donated RV retrofitted to be a mobile storytime room that I will NOT be driving) and presenting 20-minute storytime programs to 3-6 classrooms a day, 3-4 mornings per week.
The best part is, that I will also get to go back and work in the Children's Department at least half a day each week so I will still get to see my old co-workers, stay in practice with customer service and the ILS, and stay current with middle-grade & teen literature. I am so thankful to my current supervisor and department head for believing in me and all their support and encouragement, and giving me great recommendations! I have enjoyed working with them and learned so much from them and my co-workers during my time there. I'm glad I won't be leaving them completely.
I love doing storytime now, and I really wanted a position where I could do storytime at work, but I am a little nervous about doing *so many* storytimes a week! I hope it doesn't turn out to be too much of a good thing. But there are supposed to be volunteers to help out at least part of the time. I'm going to try to continue doing my volunteer storytime every other week because I enjoy it and it's a chance to do whatever I want, but I'm afraid it may just be too much. I'll have to play it by ear and see what happens, and continue to blog about it.
Wish me luck!!
In honor of my new position on the storytime bus, picture books about buses! |