Saturday, January 4, 2025

Annual Reflection & Goal Setting - 2025


professional librarian accomplishments in 2024 and goals for 2025

I've now been working in public libraries for 12 years (in March), writing this blog for nearly 10 years, and have been a degreed, professional librarian for four years. Every year before I write my annual reflection and goal setting post I review the previous few years. Every year since 2020 I have hoped the new year would bring some peace, but it never seems to quite work out that way, and this year was no exception. 

2024 was another difficult year, with many changes and challenges, including an unexpected restructuring and changing of job descriptions so that I am no longer a youth services manager over birth through teen (that position was eliminated), and am now the children's librarian, for birth through 6th grade. A new YA librarian position was created for teens and new adults (now as a separate department), and the vacant adult services manager position was also re-classified as just a librarian position rather than a manager. I no longer have the same level of autonomy I had before and now have to work under a very autocratic management style, which is not a management style I personally thrive under. All the changes were very unexpected and have been difficult to get used to, but it is what it is and I'm adjusting my expectations accordingly.

However, it wasn't all bad; some good things did happen and I was able to accomplish some of my goals, as well as others:

  • I was finally able to fill the children's assistant position that had been vacant for a year, with someone who is good with kids and parents, and has a strong work ethic, and could assist with programs, as well as cover for me if I was out so now I don't have to feel like I can never take off.
  • My programming budget, which had been slashed by the previous director, was returned to the previous level.
  • Asked for and received additional storage cabinets in the program room, more than doubling our storage space, and finally have everything pretty well-organized.
  • Also received an additional storage cabinet and shelving for my office. Still working on getting that all organized, but made significant progress.
  • I was finally able to attend the ALSC conference. It was really great to spend a couple of days among my fellow children's librarians from all over the country and share ideas and experiences! (I was also very flattered when one person recognized me from my published research article and another recognized me from this little blog.)
  • Finished the deep-dive into incentivized reading research I'd been wanting to do for a few years and wrote an article about the problems with traditional, heavily incentivized reading programs, as well as one on what we should do instead, complete with annotated bibliography.
  • Had a very successful summer program, which though very busy, was also more enjoyable than stressful.
  • Increased programming, developing a very well-received "Kidbrarian" program, adding a monthly Bricks, Blocks, Build! program for all ages (Legos, Duplos, Mega Bloks, and various other building sets/toys) and adding a monthly homeschool hangout-type program in collaboration with the new YA librarian.
  • Was asked to give two presentations at our state youth services conference, one on STEM programming for younger children, and the other on my Kidbrarian program.
  • Collection management was pushed to the back-burner a bit this year due to all the changes and staffing issues, but after having gone through several rounds of weeding the entire youth collection based on circulation the previous two years, I was able to review the board books, picture books, and early readers based on condition, and after weeding and shifting aggressively so that shelving followed best practices I freed up a significant amount of space to start expanding the picture book collection.
  • Conducted a survey on youth services burnout, the possible factors contributing to it, and how youth services staff could be better supported. This is a major issue across the field, needs to be addressed, and we should be able to discuss it without fear of retaliation, though sadly that's not always the case.
  • Developed collaborative relationships with the new YA and adult services librarians.
  • Was finally able to clear out enough space and purchase furniture and accessories for the dramatic play area I've wanted to add since I arrived three years ago (pictured below)!!

dramatic play center, library dramatic play

Now, looking forward to 2025, some of the things I want to accomplish are:
  • Work on organization, time-management, and planning further ahead. I've realized that to do this, I have to carve out dedicated time on my schedule for organizing and planning. Once I'm on top of that, I believe the time-management will take care of itself.
  • Work on delegating more tasks, though this is very challenging because most of the time there isn't enough staff with the skills required who have the time and are available at the time I need them. 
  • Keep my office reasonably neat and organized.
  • Now that the new children's assistant is fully trained and ready, I am turning the weekly preschool storytime over to her in order to do more outreach, as well as having her take the lead on one program during spring and fall breaks, and a few programs during the summer, again helping me gain a more appropriate balance on where my time is going.
  • Get back to spending an appropriate amount of time on collection management.
  • Have summer reading all planned even earlier this year, by April 1st.
  • Add regular programming specifically for 4th-6th graders in September.
  • Attend the state public library and youth services conference, but probably not present. Though I like making a professional contribution to the field, it isn't supported in my position and presentation prep is done mostly on my own time.
  • Continue tracking time and compiling data to document everything I'm doing and attempt to demonstrate the need for more staff in order to increase programming and outreach and offer better customer service (more on this in an upcoming post).
  • As always, working towards a better work/life balance, trying to figure out how to leave work at work and not let work stress cause so much anxiety that it robs me of sleep, negatively affects my physical and mental health, and interferes with my life outside of work as it does now.
And once again, I hope for peace. I crave stability, calm, and a healthy work environment. But I don't know if that exists anywhere anymore. So I guess I need to instead hope for acceptance, being able to let go, not care as much, being able to compartmentalize more? The other thing I noticed in reviewing all my previous new year's posts is how the tone has changed and one can clearly see the trauma and burnout developing over the last few years. I'm not sure what the answer is, but in the meantime I'll keep trying to focus on the joy I find in working with the kids and families and building healthier boundaries. I still love being a children's librarian, just wish it wasn't as stressful and exhausting as it's been. 

Anyone else want to share 2024 accomplishments they're particular proud of? Let's normalize taking pride and voicing our accomplishments and celebrating each other!! Any exciting goals for 2025?

Happy New Year!!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Happy Noon Year's Eve! - Kids' Program


I once helped my supervisor with a Noon Year's Eve program several years back, and have been waiting for the chance to do one myself, and this year things finally aligned. Since this was a new thing for this library I wasn't sure how many families would attend, but I planned more activities than I typically do just in case everybody had cabin fever and decided to show up. As it turned out, we ended up with the perfect size crowd and we all had so much fun that we decided we definitely want to do this again next year.

I planned it as a family/all-ages program, with activities that were geared for elementary ages, but would also work for preschoolers, and a finale at noon:

  • DIY Confetti Poppers
  • Decorate a Crown or Hat
  • Make a Noisemaker
  • Fireworks Painting
  • Mini-Megaphone
  • Fizzing Confetti Chemistry
  • Countdown & Balloon Drop
I had enough at each station for 24-36 participants, and the fireworks painting and fizzing confetti could easily be stretched for even more if needed. I did splurge a little on this program, mainly on confetti of all things (!), but you could definitely do it for less. Not counting craft staples or other materials we had already (markers, glue, tape, craft sticks, paper plates, hats, some crowns, a few extra cardboard tubes.) , I estimate I spent about $130, but I have confetti, pom-poms, jewels, and balloons leftover, and again, you could definitely spend less on confetti, balloons, and paint than I did.

Budget: $130, but had stuff leftover & you could definitely spend less

Age Range: Family, kids ranging from 2-10 years old.

# of Participants: 32 kids (plus 23 accompanying adults), could have accommodated a few more 

Staff: 1 Children's Librarian, with the help of 2 part-time assistants (one was in and out during the program because she was also covering the desk). 

#1 - DIY Confetti Poppers
I put all of the materials in containers in the center of the table, along with instructions with photos in a sign-holder. No one had any trouble, and everyone loved them!

  1. Tie the end of the balloon.
  2. Cut off the top of the balloon.
  3. Put the balloon over one end of the cardboard tube and tape in place.
  4. Decorate tube if desired.
  5. Put a little confetti and a few pom-poms in the tube.
  6. Pull balloon, and release. POP! Confetti everywhere!
* I splurged on the confetti, buying several types. You could definitely spend less by buying a bulk package of just one type or mix, and you could make your own by cutting up bits and punching holes from colored paper if you have the time. That would be a good job for people working at the desk to do during less busy times.

#2 - Decorate a Crown or a Hat
Very straightforward, put out the materials and the decorated their crown or hat as much or as little as they wanted.

  • cheap, plastic top hats, (no cost to me as I inherited a bunch and only included them because I already had them, otherwise I would've just stuck with crowns)
  • metallic cardstock crowns, assorted styles and colors, (I was gifted a dozen of these)
  • gold cardstock crowns, assorted styles, 10 for $8, included sticker gems
  • strips of construction paper (for bands around top hat)
  • adhesive jewels (they came on 3x5 or 4x6 sheets, which I cut up into roughly 1 square inch pieces), $10

#3 - DIY Noisemaker
Again, put out all the materials in the center of the table with instructions in a signholder, along with an example.

DIY noisemakers, new year's eve, noon year's eve craft

  • Small paper plates (I think ours were 4"), 2 per noisemaker
  • Large craft sticks
  • Dried beans (we used black-eyed peas for luck), 2 lbs for $4
  • Masking tape in assorted colors
  • Markers or crayons for decorating
  1. Turn both plates face down and decorate the bottom/underside of the plates as desired.
  2. Turn one plate over, and tape a craft stick to the lower half to be a handle.
  3. Place a spoonful or two of dried beans in the center of the plate.
  4. Place the second plate on top, and tape all around the edges to seal.
  5. Shake! 
Note - You could use a stiffer plastic plate and omit the handle and hold like a tambourine as well.

#4 - Fireworks Painting
These turn out really well if the kids follow instructions and stamp rather than swirl the cut straws.

Noon year's eve, new year's eve, fireworks painting with straws

  • paper
  • washable tempera or craft paints (we used glitter paint, 8 4oz-bottles for $15)
  • small 4" plastic plates to dispense paints on to (pack of 8 for $1.25 at DollarTree)
  • assorted straws, we used both regular and boba tea straws
Prep: Unless working with kids over 10, I recommend prepping the straws in advance. Cut the bottoms of several straws into many small sections and bend back so that looks like a starburst/flower. We made varied lengths for larger and smaller fireworks. Dispense one color of paint in the center of each plater and tilt plate to spread it out some.
  1. Press the cut end of the straw into the desired color paint, making sure the entire length of the slivers are coated.
  2. Press the painted end of the straw onto the paper; lift up and rotate slightly, then press again. Use the straw like a stamp, not a brush. You can layer colors for some nice effects if you are careful.
  3. Repeat with different colors to make more fireworks.
  4. Let dry.
#5 - Mini-Megaphone
A super cheap and easy filler craft, but we could have skipped it.

  1. Place included stickers if desired.
  2. Color
  3. Roll up, insert tabs.
  4. Tape for less frustration

#6 - Fizzing Confetti Chemistry
A super simple STEM station using one the many variations of baking soda and vinegar experiments. We had this station staffed to prevent disasters, LOL! I did have a sign with the instructions and measurements, as well as the formula for the chemical reaction, which included the formulas, molecular models, scientific names, and common names. You will need to test and possibly adjust amounts from those given, as it will vary depending on the size and shape of the cups used. The baking soda and vinegar react to produce bubbles of carbon dioxide, the same bubbles that are found in carbonated soft drinks (along with water and sodium acetate).

Bubbling confetti, new year's eve science

  • plastic champagne flutes, 1 or 2 is enough, set of 2 from DollarTree, $1.25
  • baking soda
  • distilled vinegar
  • Gold flake confetti - 1 package, $7
  • trays to contain mess
  1. Place the champagne flute in the center of a tray.
  2. Put 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in the champagne flute.
  3. Add 1/2 teaspoon of confetti.
  4. Pour in 1/8 cup (2 Tablespoons) of vinegar, all at once.
  5. Watch it bubble up, fizz and sparkle! (And possibly overflow.)
#7 - Countdown & Balloon Drop
I rigged up a balloon drop using a large cheap plastic tablecloth that I cut in half, then punched holes along the cut edges and threaded ribbon through the holes, leaving long ends hanging down to pull. I tucked the corners and a couple of points along the sides under the edges of the dropped-ceiling tiles, then filled with balloons.

I had a 30-second countdown video pulled up on the TV that I started as we approached noon, and then once we hit zero, the kids shot confetti and rattled their noisemakers, my assistant began blowing bubbles with a bubble gun, and I pulled the ribbon to drop the balloons. After the balloons were all down, I picked up a second bubble gun to add more bubbles, and started playing a New Year's Eve play list beginning with Auld Lang Syne. I forgot to take pictures of the balloon drop before or during, only thought to take one after.

How It Went 
It was a wonderful, chaotic mess, in the best way possible!

I had no idea what kind of turnout to aspect, as I haven't done a Noon Year's Eve party at this library before, and people were used to us not having anything going on during this week. Plus, all kinds of respiratory diseases are running rampant in our area right now: Covid, flu, RSV, and other unknown viruses. So I had the usual fear of either hardly anybody showing up, or way too many. But we had a perfect crowd of 55 kids and adults, who had so much fun! 

The biggest hit was the confetti poppers, which of course resulted in confetti everywhere! The kids loved it, and the adults were amazed that we didn't care about the mess. The fireworks painting was also a big hit, and also a big mess. By the end of the program, there were all kinds of confetti on the floor and on the tables, paint all over the table at that station, and a few balloons that people didn't take. Though it looked like a disaster, in all honesty it wasn't that hard to clean up. I know parents love the opportunity for their kids to engage in messy activities somewhere other than home, so I try to provide them as much as I can. Most of our programs are not this big or this messy, so we don't mind indulging every now and then.

The pictures below show some of the aftermath:

What I Would Do Differently
Really, the only things I would modify are (1) that we probably could do with one less station, and (2) the balloon drop. While the balloon drop worked, it didn't work as well as I'd have liked for a couple reasons. For one thing, one tablecloth really wasn't big enough to hold enough balloons, and I over-filled the first batch of balloons, so I ended up with only 36 balloons in the drop instead of 50. I should have kept them small in order to fit more of them in the drop. Also, between static electricity and being packed tightly, some of the balloons didn't fall and had to be knocked out with a broom. I will try to figure out a better method next year or invest in an actual balloon drop net, but we will do some type of balloon drop again. I'm also going to look into latex-free options next time. 

I had originally thought about serving cute mini-cupcakes with confetti sprinkles and water or juice, but ultimately decided against it, between having no idea how many people to expect and the amount of sickness going around. But next year I might re-consider now that I have a better idea of what kind of attendance to expect.