Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's That Time Again....

Well, it's that time again. New Year's Day. The day many of us take stock of the past year, and make new resolutions and goals for the next year. Many we may not stick to, and some we might. I tend to do okay with professional goals, but personal ones always seem harder to stay with. Last year I addressed my professional goals on my blog, but this time I think I will include my personal ones as well. Maybe putting them out there for everyone to see will help keep me accountable.

My main personal resolution is the same as many of you: to eat better and exercise more, not only to lose weight, but to be healthier and have more energy. My previous job was much more physical, and since changing positions, I have gained a lot of weight, which was exacerbated by starting school and now having less free time for exercise and healthy cooking. My other resolution is to spend less time mindlessly surfing the internet and social media (my way to relax) and use that time for exercise and more purposeful activities.

Now on to my professional resolutions:
  1. Continue working on my MLIS, taking one class each term (spring, summer, fall).
  2. Look for other professional development opportunities, such as workshops and webinars.
  3. Continue to gain experience to further expand my skills, such as other types of programming beside preschool storytime and anything else I have the opportunity to do that I haven't done before.
  4. Continue to fine-tune and develop the storytime collection by creating two new kits and updating and improving the existing ones.
  5. Continue to work on Reader's Advisory.
That's all that come to mind for now, especially realizing that #1 will take up most of my free time. Anybody else have any specific goals or resolutions for the coming year??

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