Confessions of a Children's Librarian: Storytime, STEAM, Commentary, & More
Friday, January 1, 2016
My Storytime New Year's Resolutions
Aside from the annual resolutions to try to eat better, work out, and get in shape, I thought I'd take the time to write out a few storytime resolutions as well. Some of these are inspired by the workshop with early literacy expert Saroj Ghoting I attended recently, some are just things I would like to try or feel need to be done.
(1) Use more non-fiction books in storytime. I do use non-fiction books
occasionally, usually with the more "science-y" topics, but I want to make
the effort to use them more.
(2) Experiment with working in the early literacy tips (or "asides" as Saroj
calls them). This one I have mixed feelings about. It feels a bit awkward
and preachy to me, and I don't really think it applies to my outreach storytimes
as much as it would the in-library storytimes when each child comes with a
parent or caregiver. I generally just see one or two teachers/aids with my
groups and I feel like most won't be interested at all. But I do want to at least
experiment with the idea.
(3) Develop/finish 3-4 more new storytime kits for my storytime-to-go collection.
I have one I am working on now, an idea for another brand new one, and
my predecessor left several partially developed kits that I am gradually
finishing and adding to the collection. These kits are a themed "storytime-
in-a-box" that contain 8-12 books of various styles and lengths, several
songs, rhymes and fingerplays; feltboard stories, and other activities.
(4) Finishing re-vamping the existing storytime kits. When I joined the program,
there were about 32 finished storytime kits in the collection. I have found
that some of them really need a couple more good activities for more variety,
and that many of them could use 2 or 3 more books, particularly ones that are
good for the younger and more wiggly groups and more my style.
(5) Find opportunities to get experience with storytimes (or other programs) with
other age groups. If that doesn't work out, then at least observe some of the
other storytimes in my system.
So, these are my resolutions, and I have a few others not related to storytime (read more, work on reader's advisory, and take a class). What are yours?
About me,
Storytime planning
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