Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Picture Books About Elections

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With the upcoming election and all the inescapable coverage and conversation about it, kids are bound to be asking questions. Here are some fiction and non-fiction books to help them understand, and give adults a respite from all the drama and negativity of the real election.


Duck for President by Doreen Cronin & Betsy Lewin (2004). Duck finds that holding office is not all it's quacked-up to be [Sorry, I had to!]. A classic.

President Squid by Aaron Reynolds & Sara Veron (2016). Squid thinks he has the right stuff to be President.

Max for President by Jarrett Krosoczka (2008). Max wants to be class president, but so does Kelly. Who will the class choose?

Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio & LeUyen Pham (2012). Grace thinks its time for a female President.

Otto Runs For President by Rosemary Wells (2008). Charles and Tiffany are running for school president, but they care more about winning than what the voters want, so Otto decides to enter the race.

Monster Needs Your Vote by Paul Czajak & Wendy Grieb (2015). Told in rhyme, Monster goes to cast his vote, then decides to throw his hat in the ring.

My Teacher For President by Kay Winters & Denise Brunkus (2008). Oliver decides his teacher would be perfect for President.

Madam President by Lane Smith (2008). A little girl imagines what it would be like to be President.


One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote  by Bonnie Worth & Aristides Ruiz (2016). The Cat in the Hat explains elections and voting.

If I Ran For President by Catherine Stier (2007). Explains the process of running for President, and presidential qualities.

So You Want To Be President by Judith St. George & David Small (2004, updated edition). This Caldecott-winner tells a little bit about being president and those who have held the office.

If I Were President by Catherine Stier & Diane DiSalvo-Ryan (1999). Children of various ethnicities imagine what it would be like to be President.

The People Pick A President by Carolyn Jackson (2012). From Scholastic, for older kids.

Vote! by Eileen Christelow (2008). From the author of the Five Little Monkeys series comes a book about elections and the importance of voting.

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